Excerpts from the author’s University email inbox, received in the month of September, 2023

(no subject)
Air pods stolen
You have no events scheduled today.
We would like to congratulate the Batch of 2023 for graduating from NALSAR.
First things first, congratulations to the freshers on breaking the ice with the rest of the college.
There is a high likelihood that there will be a lot of people who are intoxicated while dancing or around the venue.
Responsible drinking or no drinking will make the party just as fun! 😀
Freshers Party postponed
Sugar will be continued to be separated from tea and coffee
Campus to Airport
Willing to wait, let me know.
Mailtrack Daily Report 9/3/23: 1 email sent
Campus to Airport
Campus to Airport
As the gigantic ocean of NALSAR Journals flooded the auditorium bunkers, the administration moved swiftly to put stalls in the Mess. ‘Free Copies! Free Copies!’, said the pamphlet as people passed by these glossy, shiny, and sleek journals with absolute obliviousness.
For today’s class, please carry
lost my self in this dark dark world
Complaints Against the Internal Complaints Committee
In order to make the fest a success, it is important for us to decide upon various aspects pertinent to the Fest.
the turnitin account for emystifying the Goals of Antitrust Laws) was turnitin created is September 24, 2023. It is also a hard deadline.
Re: Assignment Deadline Extension on account of Problems with Turnitin Accounts
Sale of Varun Grover Tickets
No extensions on this deadline will be granted.
I can wait for some time.
Treat assured at Pings.
Treat will be given at Pings
Pings treat assured!
Please return it if you have taken it.
Treat assured at Pings.
Treat assured at Pings.
It seems that rats of the literal sense are the only rats that are being taken care of.
Open for Challenge
As all of you might be aware that the NAAC Peer Team will be visiting the University
Change in Saturday’s breakfast
Snacks outside SAARC Law
Re: Snake on flag road

Apologies for rescheduling this class
Looking forward to hosting you all!
Hello, class is starting, please come
Cancellation of Today’s Compensatory Class
The meeting will serve as an open forum for discussion and collaboration, where we encourage all members to actively participate.
Happy Debating!
Jacket found in gym.
Reading As a Moral Obligation : Reading 89/21
Guys!! PLEASE make a separate thread for these emails.
We hope to receive a positive response from the student body and promise that volunteering will be an enriching experience.
In light of multiple requests, the application deadline has been extended till 11:59 PM, 15th September.
In light of the above clarification and multiple requests, the deadline is further extended to 11:59pm on Sunday, 17th September, 2023
Can all of these people please pick their trash up?
Please vacate the courts accordingly.
Please clean up your golden fantasies.
Come make campus a safer place.
This is your Turnitin Digital Receipt
Sent with Proton Mail

-Utkarsh Mani Tripathi

By Fiddler